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Relay_16 not loaded?
As time goes by while I am testing/trying/configuring this software i am starting to answer some of my own questions posted
here, sorry for all the DA questions. I do plan to test all the relay outputs using relay_board plugin and I am only needing 8 relays so
don't need to use relay_16 for now. Going to map the 8 relay outputs to the GPIO wedge I am using since I found that GPIO 17
and GPIO 18 are S01 and S02 so this doesn't jive with what i have seen here so far here.

So this is the map Sxx # to GPIO #
S01     GPIO 17
S02     GPIO 18
S03     GPIO 27
S04     GPIO 22
S05     GPIO 23
S06     GPIO 24
S07     GPIO 25
S08     GPIO 4

GPIO number is NOT the PIN number of the 40 pin connector on the Pi.
To get that go to
and my Pi is a Pi 2 Model B and there is a drawing showing the 40 pin connector and relates pin number to GPIO number.

Messages In This Thread
Relay_16 not loaded? - by hamhog - 2019 Jun 01, 06:02 PM
RE: Relay_16 not loaded? - by dan - 2019 Jun 01, 06:40 PM
RE: Relay_16 not loaded? - by hamhog - 2019 Jun 01, 08:33 PM
RE: Relay_16 not loaded? - by hamhog - 2019 Jun 02, 04:55 PM
RE: Relay_16 not loaded? - by dan - 2019 Jun 03, 03:02 PM

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