Relay_16 not loaded? - Printable Version

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Relay_16 not loaded? - hamhog - 2019 Jun 01

New to this program and would love to use it but I can't control any relays so far.  have used a different relay control program and can open close 2 relays one at GPIO 18 and the other at GPIO 22. I don't think the relay plugin is being loaded. When i open the folder plugins there isn't anything there. I loaded this SIP program as shown on Dan's wiki page and i can go to different screens under the program and even loaded (or so i thought) relay_16 but is that all I need to load?
Thanks in advance for the help.

UPDATE: Yes the plugin has been loaded. I changed the directory to /SIP/Plugin and doing a Dir they show up OK.
So I don't know why using SIP in manual control of the relay doesn't work, no relay is being toggled on or off as commanded.

RE: Relay_16 not loaded? - dan - 2019 Jun 01

Did you enable the relay plugin after installing it? That would be under plugins > Manage Plugins. There should be a check in the box under Enabled next to the name of the plugin.

And I am guessing that you saw the diagram on the plugin's help page. That shows which GPIO pins relate to each relay.
That would be under Plugins > Relay 16 > help

RE: Relay_16 not loaded? - hamhog - 2019 Jun 01

(2019 Jun 01, 06:40 PM)dan Wrote: Did you enable the relay plugin after installing it? That would be under plugins > Manage Plugins. There should be a check in the box under Enabled next to the name of the plugin.

And I am guessing that you saw the diagram on the plugin's help page. That shows which GPIO pins relate to each relay.
That would be under Plugins > Relay 16 > help

Thanks for the reply Dan.
Yes the relays are enabled but I just restarted SIP and now my relay attached to GPIO 22 (S02) is working and I found
by accident that GPIO 17 which I have an LED attached for previous test not with SIP now toggles using manual control S01
which from some other diagram here shows GPIO 18. I am using a Sprkfun Wedge that goes from the 40 pin Pi connector to a breakout
that is easy to prototype with. There was an image about the GPIO 40 pin connector and how that mapped to relay pins but i can't find it now (as usual!). I am sure it showed pin 18 for S01 but now I can't confirm that.

2 other issues. First when watching the terminal screen on the Pi I see the last IP address as but today the Pi got the address so i am puzzled why that didn't update watching terminal window on the Pi.
Second is when ever i change anything and I have to update or reset and a window would open and say I have to reset via terminal window. Well now trying verify this again it didn't happen as previous times.
Under plugins and then relay channels are not relay channels for me. If I select 1 then I can toggle S01 but not S02, when i change channels to 2 then I can toggle both S01 and S02.

Ok so i found the image Relay_16-connect.png you show pin 18 as station 1 and I think that's not right and should be pin 17

RE: Relay_16 not loaded? - hamhog - 2019 Jun 02

As time goes by while I am testing/trying/configuring this software i am starting to answer some of my own questions posted
here, sorry for all the DA questions. I do plan to test all the relay outputs using relay_board plugin and I am only needing 8 relays so
don't need to use relay_16 for now. Going to map the 8 relay outputs to the GPIO wedge I am using since I found that GPIO 17
and GPIO 18 are S01 and S02 so this doesn't jive with what i have seen here so far here.

So this is the map Sxx # to GPIO #
S01     GPIO 17
S02     GPIO 18
S03     GPIO 27
S04     GPIO 22
S05     GPIO 23
S06     GPIO 24
S07     GPIO 25
S08     GPIO 4

GPIO number is NOT the PIN number of the 40 pin connector on the Pi.
To get that go to
and my Pi is a Pi 2 Model B and there is a drawing showing the 40 pin connector and relates pin number to GPIO number.

RE: Relay_16 not loaded? - dan - 2019 Jun 03

There are 2 numbering systems for the GPIO pins. The one used on the Sparkfun wedge are the "BCM" numbers. Those relate to the pins on the processor chip.

The numbering used for the relay board plugins are the "board" (physical) numbers. You can see a cross reference of both number systems at:

The board numbers are the small numbers close to the pins in the diagram. The reason for using board numbering is that it remains constant across Pi models. You can click on a pin number on the diagram to get a full cross reference and description of the pin.