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Relay Board Only the first 7 Work?
I'm having a problem where only the first 7 stations work even though 8 show up in the interface. When I configured 8 stations in the WEB interface the last station doesn't work. It shows up but when I manually turn it on nothing happens. I know the relay works as I moved a working station wire over to it and it works fine. I don't have the startup script running yet but when the system comes up the LED's on the first 7 relays are on but very dim. As soon as I run SIP they all turn off. I have seen the 8th LED come on dimly during bootup. Is there something about pin 7 that's different than the rest? Station 8 is on pin 7 correct?

(Another problem I'm having is when I changed the number of stations to 10, only 8 show up.) Sorry just figured this one out had to add an extension board>

On the Rpi I get the following error message whenever I turn on any of the stations.

Problem switching replays list index out of range 2
Problem switching replays list index out of range 3

Hope someone can help my RainBird controller died yesterday and my lawn is going to be unhappy with me real soon. Thanks for the help.

Messages In This Thread
Relay Board Only the first 7 Work? - by RWoerz - 2016 Aug 27, 09:21 PM
RE: Relay Board Only the first 7 Work? - by dan - 2016 Aug 28, 11:27 PM
RE: Relay Board Only the first 7 Work? - by RWoerz - 2016 Sep 01, 01:20 AM

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