Relay Board Only the first 7 Work? - Printable Version

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Relay Board Only the first 7 Work? - RWoerz - 2016 Aug 27

I'm having a problem where only the first 7 stations work even though 8 show up in the interface. When I configured 8 stations in the WEB interface the last station doesn't work. It shows up but when I manually turn it on nothing happens. I know the relay works as I moved a working station wire over to it and it works fine. I don't have the startup script running yet but when the system comes up the LED's on the first 7 relays are on but very dim. As soon as I run SIP they all turn off. I have seen the 8th LED come on dimly during bootup. Is there something about pin 7 that's different than the rest? Station 8 is on pin 7 correct?

(Another problem I'm having is when I changed the number of stations to 10, only 8 show up.) Sorry just figured this one out had to add an extension board>

On the Rpi I get the following error message whenever I turn on any of the stations.

Problem switching replays list index out of range 2
Problem switching replays list index out of range 3

Hope someone can help my RainBird controller died yesterday and my lawn is going to be unhappy with me real soon. Thanks for the help.

RE: Relay Board Only the first 7 Work? - dan - 2016 Aug 28

Sounds like you have things set up properly. I'm guessing you have read the documentation at:

Have you tested the wire you have connected to pin 7?


RE: Relay Board Only the first 7 Work? - RWoerz - 2016 Sep 01

Thanks to Dan everything seems to be working at least on the test bench. It turned out pin 7 on my pi was dead. I was able to edit the file with "sudo nano" and getting rid of pin 7 in the pin list. Now I need to mount all the stuff in my old RainBird box and hook it up. The picture is just a test fit. Still a ways to go.

I was hoping to use the RainBird SCR board and I've seen people using them but they're not telling how. Does any here know how to make this work with a rPi? Thanks.