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Possible SIP bug when used with OpenSprinkler App
Hi Dan,

Firstly, thank you for all the work you've done with coding and supporting this.  SIP is a fantastic and fairly reliable solution to have a fantastic irrigation controller that makes your neighbours' controllers seem like an abacus.  The ability to manage a zone while I'm standing in my yard is a really wonderful thing!

I just updated to version 4.0.28, which I'm really regretting.  I found that when my wife and I both have the app on our phones, hers tends to wipe all the station names when she opens the app and I had hopes that perhaps there would be a fix for this.  Is there a simple way to roll back to the version that works with the opensprinkler app without losing the config?  I certainly would have stayed on the old code since it usually works beautifully with the app unless there some security reason why I wouldn't want to use the App anymore.

Thanks so much for your help in advance.

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RE: Possible SIP bug when used with OpenSprinkler App - by Kermudgen - 2020 Jul 08, 12:06 AM

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