Install problems after update. - Printable Version

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Install problems after update. - armstickle - 2016 Sep 09


I've been successfully using the OSPi and SIP software for a couple years.  Thanks for providing it!

However, I recently git pulled updated code to try and solve a problem where my station names kept getting overwritten.  Now however, it doesn't seem to want to run at all.  I have even tried creating a fresh work area and tried to get it to run but it bombs out right away.  I'm hoping I'm missing something obvious to the experts, since I'm barely literate in Python. ( I'm using Python 2.7.3). 

Please have a look and let me know if you have a suggestion for a fix. Thanks!

Here is what I tried:
>git clone
>cd SIP
>sudo python

Here are the error messages I get:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "", line 28, in <module>

    gv.os_cname = subprocess.check_output(['lsb_release', '-c'])[10:-1]

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 537, in check_output

    process = Popen(stdout=PIPE, *popenargs, **kwargs)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 679, in __init__

    errread, errwrite)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1259, in _execute_child

    raise child_exception
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

RE: Install problems after update. - armstickle - 2016 Sep 10

I figured out the problem, and I don't think it had anything to do with the code. Somehow, my raspbian lsb-release package seems to have disappeared.

The solution was to run the following commands to update the utility lsb_release which is in the package lsb-release which is in raspbian.
 >sudo apt-get update
 >sudo apt-get install lsb-release

Now I'm back in business! and my lawn and garden will be happier for it. 

Thanks for reading.

RE: Install problems after update. - adzam - 2016 Sep 10

Thanks for the info. I was having the same issue, and ended up commenting out the line "gv.os_cname = subprocess.check_output(['lsb_release', '-c'])[10:-1]" from to get it running after the update. lsb-release package was not included in my rasbian install either.

RE: Install problems after update. - dan - 2016 Sep 10

Thanks for reporting this.

I will comment out that code on GitHub.

It is intended to be used for selecting the auto-start method to be used based on the version of Raspbian.
