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MQTT Connection Reliability and Debug

I have been experimenting with Raspberry Pi, SIP and the MQTT plugins as a Misting System. Controller.  I 'm using a free AWS CloudMQTT service as my broker. I hard coded a Username and Password into to allow authentication on the broker. I'm using a MQTT Client iOS app to control SIP via the broker. This allows me to control the system from outside the house, without having to set up any VPNs or Port Fowarding.

I have found that the MQTT Plugins stops working if the wifi network connection is momentarily lost. I have two wifi hotspots and determined that the Raspberry Pi network connection is stable to one hotspot but not the other. the SIP program continues to work and I can access it via the browser.

I was wanting to turn on the DEBUG logging on SIP, so that I can investigate. How is the best way to do this?

Hi Dave,

SIP does not have debug logging. The reason is to minimize writes to the SD card in order to prolong it's life.
During development and testing we usually just start the program from the command line. That provides feedback on errors.

The MQTT plugins are pretty new. This is the first report o f a problem.

Hi Dan,

OK. I'll give that a try.


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