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Thanks for OpenSprinkler, too bad you do not have a "donate" page somewhere ...

I set everything up fine on a raspberry pi, but then noticed time is displayed in UTC.
My pi was set to UTC timezone by default. So I added a TM to my profile and now when I type "date" at a command prompt time displays properly.
But OpenSprinkler is still displaying UTC time for logs and in the status <div>
How do I get the web interface to SIP to display non-utc time?

The Pi's timezone is set through the config menu:

sudo raspi-config
Then go to 4 International settings, I2 Timezone.
It may take a couple of seconds for the timezone page to appear.
Once you have selected your TZ, SIP should show your local time. In fact if you access the web interface from a distant location it will show the time at the location where the Pi is installed.
Thanks, your hints helped me. I am running SIP from /etc/rc.local, so I needed to set TZ like
(cd /where/is/SIP; TZ='America/Chicago' python > sip.log 2>&1) &

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