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Manual Mode - Station Handling
Hello, New guy here.  Smile   I would first like to say how much I like your Irrigation controller.  I was wondering if I could request a feature?  I have my Stations setup to run as sequential (in options) and they run that way when programs run. However, when I switch to manual mode it allows for you to activate multiple stations at a time.  I wanted to request that if you have started a station and then select another station to run that the previous station turn off as it starts the next station that was selected when in sequential mode.  Thank you. John
Welcome John,

That seems like a reasonable request.

As I understand what you are asking:
When SIP is in sequential mode and in manual mode you would like only one station to run at a time. If a station is running and another station is selected the first station will stop.

I will take a look at the code.

Yes sir, that is correct.  Thank you Dan!
I updated SIP to allow only one station at a time to run in manual mode if SIP is in sequential mode.

If SIP is in concurrent mode (sequential is off) multiple stations can be activated at once.

You will need to update SIP to get this feature. You can use the System Update plugin or run:
git pull
on the command line in the SIP directory.

Wow!  Thank you Dan!  I will update and try it out after work. Thanks again sir!

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