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Home Page schedule seems to jump days
When I look at 11PM the next program to run is day after tomorrow. When I look at 2AM that same program displays as running today. The display seems to be confused about when the boundaries of today and tomorrow are. The local time shows correctly in the clock widget. 

This is very confusing. Could this be a problem in time zone handling logic?  Is the scheduled thread using the same time zone definition as the time picker display widget?

Can anyone suggest a work around for this apparent bug?

Are you saying that if you check the timeline on the home page before midnight and after midnight a program appears at a different start date?

Can you describe the settings for the program that seems to change?
(2019 Jun 22, 02:59 PM)dan Wrote: Are you saying that if you check the timeline on the home page before midnight and after midnight a program appears at a different start date?

Can you describe the settings for the program that seems to change?
Yes, that is what I am saying.

On Friday Evening at 11PM the next run time for my program 2 and program 3 appeared to be 2 days away (on Sunday)
On Saturday early morning 2AM the next run time for these same programs showed up as Saturday morning (this morning).

I'm trying to insert a screenshot of these two programs.  Program 2 runs daily, yet it regularly is missing from display when I check late at night the night before.  (I used to think it was just because the duration was so small it was hard for me to see on my iPhone, but it turns out that it is actually missing from the home page schedule display.)  Program 3 runs every two days, and its easy to see when it is scheduled to run and when it is not scheduled to run.  This is the one that I notice first had appeared to jump days looking late at night and extremely early in the morning.  It jumps from being 2 days away (as if it had already ran earlier in the day of the day I was looking), to being the 1 day away (i.e. the very next day (a.k.a. today) when I look in the very early hours of the morning (e.g. 2AM)


Thanks for taking the time to respond.  I really like the program, and I'm anxious to get it working as it should be.  

I'm the same guy that reported problems with schedules that traverse the midnight hour.  I'm trying to make this work by starting just after midnight, so that is how I noticed the problems.

BTW it would be much simpler to debug and trust the home display if a week (or month) of actual run times were held in RAM for display along with the upcoming scheduled run times.  It is easy to get lost in the schedule when there is a mixture of program types.  To be clear, being able to have a mixture of program types is one thing I like about this software.

The image didn't show.

I will take a look for what you describe but without having the same settings it may be hard to reproduce.

You mentioned that you are using your phone to view the home screen. That may make a difference.

The log.json file in the SIP/data folder contains the previous runs and can be viewed on the Log page. Future scheduled program runs on the timeline are generated by a simulation algorithm (in javascript) on the device used to view the timeline. The future runs on the timeline don't actually exist on the Pi.
It appears that both of the problems you are seeing are due to the predictive code that shows future scheduled irrigation runs on the home page timeline.

I will be working on that and will post here when I have a fix.
I'm attempting to attach a pdf document with screenshots that shows my observations of the home page schedule over the past 12 hours.

.pdf   Possible bug Programs Jumping days.pdf (Size: 1.55 MB / Downloads: 3)

I hope this helps.

Thanks,  that should help.

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