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api and other data
Is there a way to request other information from the api?  For instance whether or not manual mode is enabled?

I've reviewed the API doc and saw that I can change manual mode from the api but not sure how to request what the setting currently is from the api.
You would need to use the API for the mobile_app plugin i.e. [url of SIP]/jc.

This will return a json object containing current settings. The "mm" item is the manual mode: 0 = off, 1 = on.

See the file gv_reference.txt in the sip folder for descriptions of the various variables SIP uses.

other mobile_app options are:
    '/jo', 'plugins.mobile_app.options',
    '/jc', 'plugins.mobile_app.cur_settings',
    '/js', 'plugins.mobile_app.station_state',
    '/jp', 'plugins.mobile_app.program_info',
    '/jn', 'plugins.mobile_app.station_info',
    '/jl', 'plugins.mobile_app.get_logs',
    '/sp', 'plugins.mobile_app.set_password'])

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