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Valve turns on at the end of program and off at the beginning of next scheduled
Hi All,
I am using the OSPi and this is the noticed behaviour:
- Upon program start the valve doesn't turn on. However, when the program gets to the end and is supposed to turn the valve off, the valve is turned on.
- If the program is periodic (e.g.: run 20 seconds, every 2 min), the valve is turning off when the next program starts and turns on when the program ends.
- I tried with two different valves, of different brands (Hunter and Netafim), and also with two different OSPi boards. Therefore, I wonder if this issue has its root in the SIP software.

Does any one has seen this before? And has any clue for a solution.

Thanks for any insights.

Look at the setting at Options > Station handling > Active-Low Relay

If it has a check mark uncheck it. This setting reverses the logic of the controller. It sends an "off" signal instead of an "on" signal.
Thank you. It worked, even though it was the opposite situation. Active low relay was unmarked. I marked it and the on/off was inverted. Now it is working properly!!

Thank you.
Hi Dan,
what I am seeing now is that whenever I start station 1 is turned on automatically!! Without having a program scheduled or so. Any idea why this happens?

Thank you.
Also, the STOP ALL STATIONS option and RUN ONCE work sometimes well, but sometimes they don't work at all.
Quite tricked by this behaviour and very cautious about installing the device, as it seems that the valves can open at any time and don't close. Any clue about what is the issue, would be great.

PS. again, I have tried with two different OSPi board, two different, RPi's...
I have not seen that happen in years of testing the software.
It might have something to do with the problem you reported earlier about the valves responding to inverted program logic.

That should only happen if you are using low-lever trigger relays in the system. If you have the valves connected directly to ospi boards it seems like there is something else going on.
(2017 Dec 03, 05:33 PM)dan Wrote: I have not seen that happen in years of testing the software.
It might have something to do with the problem you reported earlier about the valves responding to inverted program logic.

That should only happen if you are using low-lever trigger relays in the system. If you have the valves connected directly to ospi boards it seems like there is something else going on.

Also if you use the Relay Board plug in, it too does something re the 'hi'/'low' signalling for relays as well. e.g. I use relays that need a 'high' signal to switch them.....In Relay Board Plug in I have this set for High, and in Options > Station Handling I have Active Low unticked...
Try that if your relays need the plug in....what type of relays are you using (link) and how connected to the RPi?

Hi Bob,
thanks for the insights!! However I am not using the Relay plugin, as I am using the Open Sprinkler pi (, which, as I understand, has the relays built in. Anyway, I'll explore your comments. But indeed, it seems that there is some sort of inverted logic going on. BUT is not very consistent either, since is not always ON:OFF, OFF:ON, because sometimes when something should happen (i.e.: turn ON or OFF) nothings happens. For example STOP ALL STATIONS may not work sometimes, or RUN ONCE neither.

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