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Toro 53769 Rain Sensor Odditys
Hi All, 

I have a simple Toro 53769 Rain Sensor that normally operates Normally Closed by default.  I have it connected to BCM14 (Pin 6) and GND (Pin 8) on my Raspberry Pi 1. 

For some reason when it detects rain, the web interface goes from "Rain Sensed" on the main page, to "No Rain Sensed" when I refresh the page.    Is there any way in the logs to pinpoint if this is merely a cosmetic refresh issue, or if it really is flip-flopping between sensing/not sensing rain?  

Would it be better to configure the sensor to operate in Normally open mode?  (It's configurable)
On the options page there is a setting for rain sensor and a check box labeled "Normally open" that has the effect of reversing the logic of the sensor

(2016 Sep 20, 02:58 PM)dan Wrote: On the options page there is a setting for rain sensor and a check box labeled "Normally open" that has the effect of reversing the logic of the sensor


Yes, I have that configured correctly.   It seems that the web interface flips back and fourth between rain detected and normal operation when rain is sensed.
Do you have a way to test what the rain sensor is doing e.g. a multi-meter with continuity indicator?

Sometimes a sensor will jump back and forth between two states when it is near the switch over point.

I have been testing here with a switch connected to the rain sensor input and don't see what you describe.


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