2022 Sep 26, 03:14 PM
SIP is a very interesting software because it can create an professional irrigation system from a raspery pi.
My idea is to become SIP even more versatile. If the number of output could be variable.
Each output it would be interesting to be configurable:
- use http command for example for SHELLY or an SONOFF device in the local network
- MQQT command to activate the valve.
- more industrial irrigation need to activate pumps, for example in my case i have an shelly 1 device to activate pups.
- same other valves must be activate to have weather in the valve´s NODE.
- possible same implementation could be done in an Linux machine, no GPIO no be needed. Add possibility to disable GPIO at all.
I am a programmer, my question is how interesting for the community of this feature?
To do this I need to change the core on the program or an plugin solve the problem?
Pedro Santos
SIP is a very interesting software because it can create an professional irrigation system from a raspery pi.
My idea is to become SIP even more versatile. If the number of output could be variable.
Each output it would be interesting to be configurable:
- use http command for example for SHELLY or an SONOFF device in the local network
- MQQT command to activate the valve.
- more industrial irrigation need to activate pumps, for example in my case i have an shelly 1 device to activate pups.
- same other valves must be activate to have weather in the valve´s NODE.
- possible same implementation could be done in an Linux machine, no GPIO no be needed. Add possibility to disable GPIO at all.
I am a programmer, my question is how interesting for the community of this feature?
To do this I need to change the core on the program or an plugin solve the problem?
Pedro Santos