(2020 Jan 21, 04:19 AM)dan Wrote: Hi Dale,Yes, Timezone is correct.
for question 1, I think you must be referring to arrows that sometimes appear in the hour columns of the timeline. Those are caused by JavaScript bootstrap that allows SIP to be used on mobile devices like phones. They can be ignored They are intended for touch screen scrolling.
SIP now has an updated format for irrigation programs that is not compatible with the OpenSprinkler app but SIP can be used from a browser on a mobile device directly. You can create a shortcut for SIP on your device for quick access. That also gives you access to the plugin setup pages that the OS app could not.
I'm not sure what might be causing the timing problem you are seeing. Do you have the time zone configured properly on the raspberry Pi? If you run the "date" command on the command line does it show the correct time and date?
Attached are two screen shots showing how today program 2 ran correctly, but program 1 has over run it time.
Yesterday program 2 had the same hash marks behind it and ran an hour over. Pretty sure they always start on time.