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Schedule "handles" and time slipping
This may be an understanding problem on my part.
1. on the main page, what are the little right and left arrow over the scheduled times for each hour? 
2. Do the arrows in the above question have anything to do with the scheduled time being in solid green and then there being some time of hashed green after it?
3. I have a program set to start at 18:00 for 1 hour (end at 19:00) and it seems to start a half hour late and runs longer than the one hour. Today it looks like it ran from 18:30 to 20:00.

Help is appreciated, I have run a previous version of SIP for a sprinkler and pool controller for years now, but It would not load any plugins and I needed the one to run shell scripts so I updated. Also this version seems not to work with the android app, is that by design?


Messages In This Thread
Schedule "handles" and time slipping - by kraftor80 - 2020 Jan 21, 03:52 AM
RE: Schedule "handles" and time slipping - by dan - 2020 Jan 21, 04:19 AM
RE: Schedule "handles" and time slipping - by dan - 2020 Jan 22, 04:08 PM
RE: Schedule "handles" and time slipping - by dan - 2020 Jan 23, 05:02 PM
RE: Schedule "handles" and time slipping - by dan - 2020 Jan 29, 01:36 AM

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