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Format of MQTT Schedule plugin commands?
Hi folks,

I've had some downtime to work on my moisture monitors for my SIP system, and decided to use MQTT as a way for the monitors, which deep sleep most of the time, to send messages to SIP.  I loaded up the MQTT plugins in SIP, messed around with stuff a bit to get Mosquitto working properly (apt and apt-get on Raspberry Pi don't install the latest version of Mosquitto, see for details), and now can see messages via the MQTT Zone Broadcaster.

I then tried to send commands to the MQTT Schedule plugin via mosquitto_pub, just to play around with it.  I found that "mosquitto_pub -d -h localhost -p 1883 -t sip/schedule -m {\"S01\":\"1\"}" would turn on Station 1 (S01).  However, "mosquitto_pub -d -h localhost -p 1883 -t sip/schedule -m {\"S01\":\"0\"}" would not turn off Station 1. I had to manually "Stop All Stations" in the SIP web interface for that to happen.  

I didn't see any documentation about the format of the JSON messages that should be sent to the MQTT Schedule plugin, so I was just sort of screwing around to get anything to happen.  Is there some documentation somewhere that I'm missing?  How should I be controlling the zones via MQTT?


Messages In This Thread
Format of MQTT Schedule plugin commands? - by Ryan - 2019 Aug 10, 01:20 PM

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