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Relay connection to gpio
Hi all,

Thank you for a great piece of software. Im having issues with making the relays work - they dont move at all. Using Pi3b+.
I am using an 1 Relay module, which works great if I trigger it from Terminal. It also turns on and off at starting or restarting SIP. However, when I click Run now or Run program now, it does not do anything. Ive tried all possible options at plugin settings and many different pins. 
Could anyone tell me what am I missing here? 

Thank you and have a great day.

EDIT: I also tried to run it from terminal and dont get any errors

EDIT2: Ive managed to solve the problem by changing the
I had to comment out all the GPIO.output(relay_pins[i], GPIO.HIGH) (and LOW) and change them to GPIO.setup(relay_pins[i], GPIO.IN) (or OUT). Not the perfect way to do it, but the one that works. Could it be because of the RPi model?

Messages In This Thread
Relay connection to gpio - by wifi75 - 2017 Sep 15, 06:13 AM
RE: Relay connection to gpio - by dan - 2017 Sep 15, 03:15 PM
RE: Relay connection to gpio - by wifi75 - 2017 Sep 18, 10:10 AM
RE: Relay connection to gpio - by plettpc - 2017 Oct 12, 01:36 PM
RE: Relay connection to gpio - by dan - 2017 Oct 12, 04:27 PM
RE: Relay connection to gpio - by furmankl - 2019 Aug 05, 05:56 PM

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