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programs that traverse the midnight hour
Our local city does not allow watering until after 6PM, so our old controller was set to start programs at 11PM and run through to the early morning hours.  

When I put these programs into my new SIP controller, the Web Home page does not seem to know they run into the early hours of the next day.  I can't tell if this is just a problem with the WebUI, or there is a problem with the scheduler, but I'm trying to run two programs -- one that starts in the late evening on one schedule, and a second one that starts in the early morning on a second schedule.  

Has any one else run into the problem of trying to run programs that traverse the midnight hour into the next day?

It seems like scheduler.js does not correctly handle the logic of this use case.  It should consider any of the programs that are still running from the day before when deciding what to display on the home page.

Any comments?


Messages In This Thread
programs that traverse the midnight hour - by grbrunson - 2019 Jun 18, 11:47 PM

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