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api and other data
You would need to use the API for the mobile_app plugin i.e. [url of SIP]/jc.

This will return a json object containing current settings. The "mm" item is the manual mode: 0 = off, 1 = on.

See the file gv_reference.txt in the sip folder for descriptions of the various variables SIP uses.

other mobile_app options are:
    '/jo', 'plugins.mobile_app.options',
    '/jc', 'plugins.mobile_app.cur_settings',
    '/js', 'plugins.mobile_app.station_state',
    '/jp', 'plugins.mobile_app.program_info',
    '/jn', 'plugins.mobile_app.station_info',
    '/jl', 'plugins.mobile_app.get_logs',
    '/sp', 'plugins.mobile_app.set_password'])

Messages In This Thread
api and other data - by danny_aka_rudy - 2019 Jun 07, 08:36 PM
RE: api and other data - by dan - 2019 Jun 07, 10:01 PM

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