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need to know run-time for valve
I'm interested in controlling a bluetooth tap timer. I have working python code to connect and turn it and off, so writing a plugin shouldn't be too hard.

However, the tap timer contains its own timer and doesn't just do ON/OFF. It wants a number of minutes to run for.  Worse, I can't just say "run for 1 minute" every 30 seconds, because if it's on already, it switches off and back on again.

Is it possible to get the desired runtime in a plugin? (And how would that work for manual override?)

I could just send a really big number of minutes to the timer and rely on the OFF event later to cancel it, but using the timer sounds like a decent safety measure. So maybe using 30 minutes as the really big number would be ok; if it ran wild for 30 minutes that wouldn't be a disaster, and also I can tolerate an extra off/on every 30 minutes.


Messages In This Thread
need to know run-time for valve - by hmof - 2018 Nov 30, 05:46 AM
RE: need to know run-time for valve - by hmof - 2018 Dec 06, 07:40 AM

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