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Tank Level control & Drain valve closure
Thanks for the quick reply Dan,

The system will consist of a 3000litre tank that will be fed only from the rain off the roof to save costs on watering the garden. A pressure drop actuated pump running only off 240v, will have no inhibits from the Raspberry Pi Zero W. Off the Raspberry Pi is a 4 optocoupled relay, the first is setup as master to turn 240v supply needed by the water solenoids and drain actuators (24vdc and 24vac), worked out less expensive for parts and to save power being on the power supplies all the time. So there is only been 4 gpio used for the relays and two for the water level (gpio 11,12,13,15 and 16,18 respectivel).

I will have a look in the for the rain sensor signal. For the water level, this will need to be checked periodically for reference on lets say previous nights fall and before each program is started. It would be nice to see the water level on the front page down by the CPU temp.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Tank Level control & Drain valve closure - by beno_283 - 2018 Sep 30, 07:21 PM

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