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SIP Travels to Portugal - a 32 Stations
THANK YOU to the developer for this great projet.
SIP Travel to Portugal, to be more specific, 30km south of Lisbon (Palmela)
I have a Raspberry 2 B+ and  4 relay board  plus 4 Shift register board.
My installation for the future  use 32 valves,for Drip irrigation vegetables.( tomatoes, melao, watermelon, peppers, courgetes,  potatoes, cabbage,  pumpkins etc. I place here photos of the material and briefly the complete system .  I'm very satisfied about easy and efficient of SIP.

Best Regards
Jose Correia


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.docx   sistema rega.docx (Size: 541.3 KB / Downloads: 95)

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SIP Travels to Portugal - a 32 Stations - by josecorreia - 2018 Jun 07, 09:01 PM

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