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LCD Display not working
Thanks for responding Bob!

When I initially ran i2cdetect -y 1, I got an error saying no board was found. I did some research and made sure that my file entries were correct.  Now, when I run i2cdetect, it correctly detects the LCD/I2C device at 0x27 (which is what I knew it was, and what was entered).

But now, the LCD is dark, then two very fast blinks of the board and ... repeat every few seconds.

And again, If I am running various Python scripts like "Hello World" all is fine.  Every Python script I have tested yields correct output to the LCD, but NOT in SIP!

Do you have any other ideas?

Messages In This Thread
LCD Display not working - by AndyShap - 2018 Jan 24, 02:20 AM
RE: LCD Display not working - by draggaj - 2018 Jan 24, 04:41 AM
RE: LCD Display not working - by AndyShap - 2018 Jan 24, 06:39 AM
RE: LCD Display not working - by AndyShap - 2018 Jan 28, 05:25 AM
RE: LCD Display not working - by AndyShap - 2018 Feb 22, 05:53 AM

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