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Valve turns on at the end of program and off at the beginning of next scheduled
Hi All,
I am using the OSPi and this is the noticed behaviour:
- Upon program start the valve doesn't turn on. However, when the program gets to the end and is supposed to turn the valve off, the valve is turned on.
- If the program is periodic (e.g.: run 20 seconds, every 2 min), the valve is turning off when the next program starts and turns on when the program ends.
- I tried with two different valves, of different brands (Hunter and Netafim), and also with two different OSPi boards. Therefore, I wonder if this issue has its root in the SIP software.

Does any one has seen this before? And has any clue for a solution.

Thanks for any insights.


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Valve turns on at the end of program and off at the beginning of next scheduled - by elongo - 2017 Dec 02, 01:21 PM

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