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Weather-Based Water Level
Has anyone tweaked this plugin? Have any insight or suggestions to improve accuracy? My issue is this, I have this plugin set basically to use 7 days worth of data (4 historical, present day, and 2 forecast days) and I received 2 inches of rain last night and this morning I watered at basically more than 60%.

Here is a snip from the code:

total_info = {
                        'temp_c': sum([val['temp_c'] for val in info.values()])/len(info),
                        'rain_mm': sum([val['rain_mm'] for val in info.values()]),
                        'wind_ms': sum([val['wind_ms'] for val in info.values()])/len(info),
                        'humidity': sum([val['humidity'] for val in info.values()])/len(info)

                    # We assume that the default 100% provides 4mm water per day (normal need)
                    # We calculate what we will need to provide using the mean data of X days around today

                    water_needed = 4 * len(info)                                # 4mm per day
                    water_needed *= 1 + (total_info['temp_c'] - 20) / 15        # 5 => 0%, 35 => 200%
                    water_needed *= 1 + (total_info['wind_ms'] / 100)           # 0 => 100%, 20 => 120%
                    water_needed *= 1 - (total_info['humidity'] - 50) / 200     # 0 => 125%, 100 => 75%

I am guessing the temperature is what is causing my weekly increase from 28mm (basically 1 inch)  to almost 60mm (to almost 2 1/3 inches).

What would be the best way to tune this back a little without completely disabling the impact that the temperature plays in determining the needed amount?

Messages In This Thread
Weather-Based Water Level - by ghowell24 - 2017 Jul 24, 05:38 PM
RE: Weather-Based Water Level - by ghowell24 - 2017 Jul 24, 08:32 PM

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