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Station is scheduled but it doesn't run
The best way to start SIP automatically is to use a script in /etc/systemd. There are instruction for this on the SIP documentation wiki.
This link is for the set up instructions. Scroll down to the section named "Starting the program automatically":

I am just finishing testing an updated version of the rf_control plugin. It will be added to the plugins repository in the next day or so. It will be named "cli_control" because it sends a command line command when a stations is started or stopped. The cli_control plugin will replace the rf_control plugin so wait until the new plugin is in the plugins list before you try it.

Edit: The cli_control is now available.

Messages In This Thread
Station is scheduled but it doesn't run - by elongo - 2017 Jul 19, 06:21 PM
RE: Station is scheduled but it doesn't run - by dan - 2017 Jul 22, 08:07 PM

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