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Station is scheduled but it doesn't run
I have never seen the git error when SIP is starting and I have started the program thousands of times over the last few years. What is causing that may possibly have something to do with your problem.

Also, it looks like the code you added to the timing loop will send the RF start signal when any station it turned on (line 10 in the code you posted). It will also send the start signal when the master station is turned on. (line 21 in your code). It might be better to set a station for the pump as master and only turn that one on (take out line 10 and leave line 21).

Have you gotten any error messages not including the git errors when SIP stops?

Messages In This Thread
Station is scheduled but it doesn't run - by elongo - 2017 Jul 19, 06:21 PM
RE: Station is scheduled but it doesn't run - by dan - 2017 Jul 21, 08:37 PM

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