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Burning up 24VAC Irrigation power supplies
I build the diy relay board circuit and soldered up a compact little board, seems to work great. 

I am powering the Raspberry Pi with a regular orbit brand 24VAC power supply and bought a little power buck converter from amazon to help power the relays separately from the Pi. I split the 24VAC from the power supply to the relays and the little buck converter board I linked to. The 24VAC runs directly to the relays for the valves, and the other side is converted to 5VDC for the relays.

Somehow overnight my power supply burns out.

I am not sure if my soldering caused the problem. I noticed once in a while ALL the relays are activated, maybe this condition burns out the power supply if left unchecked for too long? I can't find a reliable way to force the condition, but it never happens when the 24VAC is not connected...

I think my next test is with three different power supplies. Once for the pi, one for the relays, and one for the valves.

Any help or ideas are appreciated!



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Burning up 24VAC Irrigation power supplies - by davidjustin - 2017 Jul 05, 07:19 PM

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