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Master keeps resetting to standard station
OK bear with me. @Dan I found those lines of code in and commented them out. SIP GUI refused to connect so I put them back again and instead changed the name of the file it would create and then restarted. The new file didn't get created but the Master settings were again lost.

I don't think it's permissions, everything looks normal. I decided to do a complete rebuild as I found "Manage Plugins" wasn't working either, I'd click on it and the page would refresh and leave me still on the home screen.

So I bit the bullet and set up the current installation with the Data folder moved to a flashdrive. Then I did a completely fresh install of Raspian lite on a new SD Card. Installed RPIGPO, PIP, Paho-MQTT etc. Installed SIP and set it to point to the flashdrive Data folder.

Everything looking good... except if I choose Reset or Reboot from the settings in the GUI then they are lost yet again. If I reboot from ssh then they aren't lost. It has to be something running from SIP, if I just pull the power and start it again nothing is lost.

Any other thoughts most welcome.

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RE: Master keeps resetting to standard station - by DavidCNZ - 2024 Dec 02, 05:46 AM

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