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Master keeps resetting to standard station
(2024 Nov 28, 11:02 PM)DavidCNZ Wrote:
(2024 Nov 28, 03:40 PM)dan Wrote: The config file that holds the master setting is SIP/data/sd.json
the master setting is named "mas".

Can you try a different station as master?

What version of SIP are you running?

Hi Dan,
I found sd.json last night and found that "mas" got set to 1 when I set it as master in the config and saved but if I "Run once" it sets it back and doesn't use it as a master, likewise if I reset or reboot SIP. 

I'm not at home to check the version but I updated it two days ago so it should be the latest.

I also did a "Run once" for station 1 and it definitely activates, I can hear the thump from it.

Thank you for looking into it.

Hmm, I finally got the setting to stick temporarily, and it worked but if I reset SIP it goes back to not configured and also all devices are set to not use master. Perhaps I need to save a copy of the data folder and do another rebuild.

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RE: Master keeps resetting to standard station - by DavidCNZ - 2024 Nov 29, 06:09 AM

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