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Using moisture sensors to control programs
Hello Dan,

thank you for taking the time to reply.

I did not find the file gv_reference.pdf, but I did find gv_reference.txt. I'm guessing they have the same content.

While I do use Node Red extensively, I would like to avoid that dependency at the moment.

If I go down the plugin route then would the following be about correct:

Assigns a sensor and moisture threshold to each station
- Create an HTML plugin page
- Display a table with station / MQTT topic / threshold
- Store the table in the plugin data file

Suppress any program from running for a station if the reported moisture value is higher than the threshold value
- Add signal for "stations_scheduled"
- Load data from plugin data file
- Check all gv.srvals for station 1 = turn on
 -  if the station MQTT topic value > station threshold value set gv.srvals for station 0 = turn off

Show if a program has been suppressed
- Might be part of the standard functionality already?

Shows a graph of the moisture sensor values
- Create a graph with Chart.js which show the moisture values for each station per week
- Should this be on the plugin page or in the footer of the main page or somewhere else?

Also on a slightly different topic it does not seem that I can set a water level on a per station basis, is this correct?

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RE: Using moisture sensors to control programs - by cdesouza - 2024 Jan 01, 08:54 PM

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