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Plugin that adds water tank info to the home page
Apologies for the delayed answer Dan.
I saw that if I run a program everything already running gets cancelled which is exactly what I expect to happen if the water level goes to a limit and emergency action is taken. I also added the capability to run individual stations which will not affect any other already running stations. If my plugin starts a station that is already running I just reset its timer, so that it runs a full cycle from the start.
I am building my own sensor which is a simple ESP8266 nodemcu v1 controller with a HC-SR04 ultrasound sensor. Precision is questionable but good enough for monitoring the level water in a tank. The code for my sensor is inĀ in case you want to take a look.
One shortcoming of my design, which I realized only a few days ago, is that my plugin listens only to a single mqtt topic and all sensors are supposed to send mqtt messages of the same format for water level measurements. Maybe that should be more flexible and allow per sensor specification.

Please take a look and tell me what you think.

One last thing remaining, is the translations to other languages. I am not sure how to go about it. I haven't worked with gettext before, but from what I read I need to create a new domain for my plugin's messages. But if I load that domain at my plugin's startup then I think I would be cancelling the SIP_messages domain. I guess I will need to experiment with that.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Plugin that adds water tank info to the home page - by ahat - 2023 Dec 14, 02:27 PM

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