2023 May 28, 01:45 PM
Bryan ,
Sounds like what you are looking for to stop running stations is the "stop_stations()" function from the helpers python module in SIP. Or the GET command "/cv?pw=xxx{&rsn=1}".
These have the same effect as clicking the "'stop all stations" button on the SIP home page. It stops any running stations until the next scheduled run occurs. If the rain sensor is active when the next program is scheduled it will not run.
Sounds like what you are looking for to stop running stations is the "stop_stations()" function from the helpers python module in SIP. Or the GET command "/cv?pw=xxx{&rsn=1}".
These have the same effect as clicking the "'stop all stations" button on the SIP home page. It stops any running stations until the next scheduled run occurs. If the rain sensor is active when the next program is scheduled it will not run.