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socket.error...but changing port didn't help, nor did reboot
Hi Dan:

Now upgrading from buster to bullseye and having exactly the same problem as I did two years ago (in this thread: OSError: No socket could be created). It appears regardless of what port I use. Unfortunately, no idea how it was fixed!

In this case I just now enabled SIP as a service hoping that would help but it didn't solve the problem (it is active and running). Prior to that I could successfully run SIP from the command line but not as a @reboot line in crontab (that's how it was in buster). Here's the crontab line I used with the result below. 

@reboot sudo python3 /home/pi/SIP/  >> /home/pi/SIP-OUT.txt 2>&1

Not sure how to run SIP from the command line when running as a service...can't do that now; suggestions welcome.

Messge from Signaling plugin!: Just an example!

plugins loaded:





Starting timing loop

A new day has started.

zones changed

[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/home/pi/SIP/", line 342, in <module>

  File "/home/pi/SIP/", line 260, in run

    return web.httpserver.runsimple(func, (ip, port))

  File "/home/pi/SIP/web/", line 178, in runsimple


  File "/home/pi/SIP/cheroot/", line 1820, in start


  File "/home/pi/SIP/cheroot/", line 1779, in prepare

    raise socket.error(msg)

OSError: No socket could be created -- (('', 8099): [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address)

Messages In This Thread
RE: socket.error...but changing port didn't help, nor did reboot - by noequus - 2022 Aug 13, 11:34 PM

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