2022 Jul 01, 05:01 AM
(2022 Jun 30, 01:53 PM)dan Wrote: One of the problems with weather based irrigation management is that unless you have a weather station at your location the data from an online service is not very accurate to a specific location.
It may be raining where you are but the data source the service is using may be getting a different amount or no rain.
I looked through the data it did pull and it looks to be from a location close enough to my house that I can accept it's the right info.
(2022 Jun 30, 02:30 PM)dan Wrote: Here is a link to the pull request for the plugin. It contains comments by one of the authors that may be helpful.
An interesting read. The one thing that stuck out is that I may be missing some files, the current weather ones.
I tried running weather_level_adj.py in Thonny (I'm a total python noob) and it spit out this:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/SIP/plugins/weather_level_adj.py", line 26, in <module>
import gv # Get access to SIP's settings
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gv'
I'm not sure where to go from here