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how to set up a slave controller?
(2021 Jul 21, 06:40 PM)dan Wrote: Hi Paul,

It looks like you have things set up properly.
I will try to do some testing here. There have been quite a few changes to the Python code after the slave plugin was developed mostly relating to making SIP compatible with both Python 2 and 3.
What version of Python are running SIP under?


Hi Dan,

Thanks for the help.

SIP was running under python3. 

I followed the instructions here to set up python3 for SIP:
  1. sudo cp SIP/sip3.service /etc/systemd/system/
  2. sudo apt install python3-rpi.gpio
  3. sudo systemctl enable sip3.service
  4. sudo reboot
As a check, I run “systemctl status sip3” in the terminals:

--Figure L: sip3 status showing SIP running under python3
[Image: E2JbcotmhhvKaFRY66NndKLdCeH525ovisits1UM...jVlGkASirE]
Here are the three ip addresses for clarification: master ip, mqtt broker ip slave ip iMac ip, from which I ssh into the pi’s.

(2021 Jul 21, 08:49 PM)dan Wrote: Paul,

You may need to use a different user name and password in the MQTT base plugin on each Pi.

Did you change the name of each SIP installation under Options > System >system name ?
They should be different from sip and different from each other.. After the names are changed the new names will appear at the top of the UI pages.

Still setting up a couple of Pis here.



I just changed their usernames and passwords:
-- Figure M: using distinct usernames and passwords for the two controllers
[Image: hvVhgmDvuGbPfF_2QuIbFlP6P9d2M7MarKyL0WOv...LqAkimqIiJ]
Result: slave controller is still not responsive

You ask: "Did you change the name of each SIP installation under Options > System >system name ?"

The system names were previously set as “Master” and “slave01”.  See Figure M above. So no modification here.

(2021 Jul 21, 10:08 PM)dan Wrote: Got a couple of Pi's setup and the plugins installed and configured.
Running under Python 3 i had to install paho using "pip3 install paho-mqtt".

Seems to be working as expected. Looks like the software updates didn't cause problems.


Hi Dan,

Got a couple of Pi's setup and the plugins installed and configured.
Running under Python 3 i had to install paho using "pip3 install paho-mqtt".

Yes, I also did install paho-mqtt under python3, so running the installation again returns “requirement already satisfied” -- so no additional installation below:

$ pip3 install paho-mqtt
Looking in indexes:,
Requirement already satisfied: paho-mqtt in ./.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages (1.5.1)

Besides SIP, I also installed comitup to automate the wifi-provisioning of the pi.

I don’t know if comitup is interfering with SIP running in slave mode.  I will remove comitup and see its impact on SIP.  

Oh now I remember, I didn’t install raspbian from the official site. Instead, the comitup image has a built-in raspbian os.  

I will install the official raspbian and report on any changes.


Messages In This Thread
how to set up a slave controller? - by paul - 2021 Jul 21, 05:48 PM
RE: how to set up a slave controller? - by dan - 2021 Jul 21, 06:40 PM
RE: how to set up a slave controller? - by paul - 2021 Jul 22, 11:47 AM
RE: how to set up a slave controller? - by dan - 2021 Jul 21, 08:49 PM
RE: how to set up a slave controller? - by dan - 2021 Jul 21, 10:08 PM
RE: how to set up a slave controller? - by dan - 2021 Jul 22, 02:05 PM
RE: how to set up a slave controller? - by paul - 2021 Jul 23, 11:42 AM
RE: how to set up a slave controller? - by dan - 2021 Jul 23, 02:06 PM
RE: how to set up a slave controller? - by paul - 2021 Jul 23, 02:32 PM
RE: how to set up a slave controller? - by paul - 2021 Jul 25, 09:29 AM
RE: how to set up a slave controller? - by dan - 2021 Jul 23, 06:15 PM

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