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Multiple Master stations (pump sources) possible?
Thanks for the heads-up on the problem in the mqtt_get_values plugin. The[u"wl_weather"] value is only available if the weather_level_adj plugin is installed. I left line 77 in but commented out and updated SIP's plugin repo on GitHub.

As far as parsing SIP's program data this may help:

Program data with example values:

key['enabled'] = 1 # Bool, Use 1 or 0 to avod difference between Py True and JS true
key['type'] = 'alldays' | 'evendays' | 'odddays' | 'interval'
key['day_mask'] = 127 # days of week 0 to 7, or if type == interval - interval days
key['interval_base_day'] = 4 # based on dse (days since epoc)
key['start_min'] = 360 # 6AM
key['stop_min'] = 1080 # 6PM
key['cycle_min'] = 240 # 4 hours
key['duration_sec'] = [0]*['nst'] # List of duration times of len # stations
key['station_mask'] = [0]*['nbrd'] # List of 1 byte per board
key['name'] = 'un-named' # program name

The day_mask and station_mask values are bit masks. The "name" value has not been implemented in SIP yet.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Multiple Master stations (pump sources) possible? - by dan - 2020 Dec 29, 05:32 PM

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