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Multiple Master stations (pump sources) possible?
Hi Dan, thanks for your reply. I may not have explained the question clearly.

I am not concerned with running any 2 stations at the same time.
As far as I understand, concurrent mode does not help me.

Rather, for example:
I would like to fire up pump1, drawing from reservoir 1, to irrigate zone 1.
Then run pump2, from res2, to irrigate zone 2,3.
Then run pump3, from res3, to irrigate zone 4,5,6,7,8, ....

This example requires multiple different pumps mapped to zones.
So, 3 "master" zones. They can run sequentially or concurrently, no matter at this point.

Is this possible? Commercial irrigation controllers would call them pump1,pump2,pump3 and allow assignment to zones. 
Each pump is assigned to 1..n zones. Each zone has only one pump assigned.

Hopefully that is more clear!

On further thought, I wonder if you mean that I should "cheat" by running in concurrent mode?

For example, designate zones 31,32,33 as masters (not in the UI, just in my mind)
Then run concurrent zones:

Sounds like this will achieve the effect I want, thank you.
Not as elegant as assigning zones to one of 3 master options, in the UI, but should be a perfectly good workaround.
After I give it a go, I'll file a feature request Smile

Messages In This Thread
RE: Multiple Master stations (pump sources) possible? - by dpd - 2020 Dec 27, 08:41 PM

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