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GPIO setup
In the meantime I managed to make it work, a power cord from the relays was interrupted Smile. Now I can control the relays individual with a test script.

I reinstalled SIP but relays 4 and 5 default active, and the rest  do not repond. When in the application the relays 4 and 5 are inactive, in reality they are active.
In the application when I press any button relay 5 changes its state, and nothing else hapen. It is clear that gpio ports are not defined correctly Sad.

How do i solve this problem?

Thank you

Problem solved, I reconfigured the jumper wires between gpio and relays board.
My beginner's mistake Smile.

Thank you all Smile

Messages In This Thread
GPIO setup - by florinangeru - 2020 Aug 22, 09:57 AM
RE: GPIO setup - by florinangeru - 2020 Aug 22, 11:18 AM
RE: GPIO setup - by florinangeru - 2020 Sep 01, 05:46 PM
RE: GPIO setup - by dan - 2020 Sep 02, 02:57 PM
RE: GPIO setup - by florinangeru - 2020 Sep 02, 03:31 PM

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