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socket.error...but changing port didn't help, nor did reboot
Hi Gary,
Usually the "No socket could be created" error indicates that something else is using the port.

Have you tried rebooting the Pi?

The "Unit sip.service could not be found" error sounds like the service is not enabled.
did you follow the instructions on the SIP wiki under
Installation and Set UP > Starting the program automatically > [url=][/url]The recommended method :

  1. Copy the script file to /etc/systemd/system. Run the command:
    sudo cp SIP/sip.service /etc/systemd/system/
  2. Enable sip service:
    sudo systemctl enable sip.service
  3. Reboot the Pi:
    sudo reboo
  4. t

Or if you want to run SIP under Python3 use sip3.service with the above instructions.

Then try:
systemctl status sip (or sip3)
to stop, use
systemctl stop sip

to start use
systemctl start sip

How did you change the port number if SIP was not running?

It can be done by editing SIP/data/sd.json and changing the line "htp": 80,
Be sure to keep the comma after the port number.

Messages In This Thread
RE: socket.error...but changing port didn't help, nor did reboot - by dan - 2020 Jul 12, 08:05 PM

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