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weather condiction view!
could be good idea if we can see in the menu home page, a weather condition of the local SIP system [Image: blush.png]

Yes that would be good to have.

However it would need to have a weather plugin installed and not everyone uses it. It would also require many calls to the weather service and that might be a problem.

We will look for a way to do it.
+1 on this!

I'd love the ability to call up the current weather data on my local weatherstation through Wunderground, and be able to control individual solenoids based on the temperature.

Wunderground allows up to 500 calls per day for free.

I'm a hardware guy, so no idea how to create a plugin from scratch for this. Great software all the same!!!
Perhaps a DHT22 sensor connected to a GPIO which gives humidity and temperature display on the home page.
While it might be neat to control solenoids based on temperature, it's not always wise to be automatically watering things in the heat of the day. That said I have a small green house which gets quite hot in the Aussie summer, so being able to open vents/switch on a sprinkler when a temperature threshold is reached could be a great use for this...I've done a bit with DHT22 and other RPi units....mmm, thinking of a plug in..

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