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My 4 zone setup +extras
Hi, im from spain, i have got my installation working now for 2 months but i just discovered this forum. As this section is empty i will start showing my setup, i am open to any ideas to improve it.

My setup has to controll 4 zones, as extra i also controll the garage door.

This is my Raspberry B+  and an 8 chanel rellay board
[Image: 2ZLCC7hl.jpg]

To hold both components inside the box I designed and 3D printed a support. The relay board is slightly tilted so that its easier to connect the cables.
Some renders of the design, and how its spected to look like:

[Image: AYzD9k7.jpg]

[Image: oVvFvI7.jpg]

After 8 hours of printing, i had my piece:
[Image: fWbysO6l.jpg]
looks cool in orange Tongue

The raspberry mounted on the piece:
[Image: 7M6p6hXl.jpg]

Everything inside the waterproof box
[Image: gDx4SkCl.jpg]

Once all GPIOs were wired it was time to connect it to the valves.
I use  24V AC valves from my old system.

A fifth relay will be used to open and close the garage door, as my motor has an open/close input

The wiring is nearly done
The black-taped cable will be the 24V AC input and the white cable will hace the outputs to the valves, and the garage door.

[Image: N3PYsRcl.jpg]

I retired my old timer, and in its place i screwed my new super-timer.
[Image: 2iOEpdEl.jpg]

This is how it finally looks when its all closed:

[Image: g5rIB1Al.jpg]

As the door can be opend and closed remotly I installed this photosensor so that the door cant be closed while there is something in its path

this is the reciver side:

[Image: vqui8XV.jpg]

this is the emitter side, and under this, in the black box there is a magentic sensor so that the raspberry knows when the door is opened or closed.

[Image: Gdq1G1M.jpg]

The sensor inside the box looks like this, the box was printed to protect it from water and sun

[Image: a92wYDMm.jpg]

This is the disgn of one of the boxes
[Image: WqHiynC.jpg]

This is my plugin at work, the webacam is not working at the moment, as i needed it for other projects but i will eventually replace it.
Greetings begeles2000 welcome to our new forum!

Very nice set up. You did a great job with the support.

I can't think of any improvements but I'll post here if I think of anything.

Hi begeles2000,

Congrats ..... Great work. I noticed you've interfaced the relays directly with the RPi board.
I'm not too familiar with the Hardware/ Software nitty gritty so could you please share the code used for this setup.

Thanks in Advance.

Welcome Deepak.

If your are running the SIP (formerly OSPi) software on your Pi you can add the relay_board plugin from Plugins > Manage Plugins. Then see the documentation for the plugin at:

Thanks a lot for the details...

Hi Dan,
I've installed the relay board plugin as given in the wiki instruction.
Now when I click on the plugins menu in SPI, all I get is the box showing all installed plugins.
Relay board is also one of the installed plugins.
I have manually checked that the Files and relay_board .html are in the correct folders.

Just for clarification, when I click on the PLUGINS item on the Menu in SIP, I get just 2 Options  ...
No other option is available to configure the relay board ...
Have I missed something ....
( I have updated my SIP to latest Version 3.1.39).



did mention that you have an amazing project in progress ....
Kudos to you and all who're involved in this project ....

Way to go Man ......


Dan ,
An update ......

Simply restarting SIP is not enough ..... I rebooted Raspberry Pi and on
restarting SIP ..... I got an additional Item in the Plugins Menu ...
------- RELAY BOARD ...

Now I can config the relays as per the wiki instructions.


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