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Mapping pins
I have a raspberry pi zero rev1.1 and have installed the SIP program and have been impressed so far. However, I am trying to get the physical outputs 31,33,35 and 37 to operate as station 1,2,3 and 4 respectfully. I have changed the code in the plugin '',
relay_pins = [11,12,13,15,16,18,22,7,3,5,24,26,29,31,32,33,35,36,37,38]
relay_pins = [31,33,35,37]
And station 1 operates but the rest do not. I have noticed that if I manually set the pins to outputs via gpio I can manually trigger them so electrically it all works but when I restart the Pi only pin 31 gets set to output and the rest are set to input.
Can anyone suggest a solution or something I should look into?

Its ok, Ive figured it out and it all came down to not reading the instructions
'Relay channels: From the drop-down list select the total number of relay channels you have connected.'
Might help if this was on the actual web page. Smile

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