UPDATE ***** fixed in SIP Ver 3.1.93 when running the latest Jessie Raspian. **** Thanks to Dan for his assitance with this fix.
Hi there, have a rain sensor issue...SIP ver 3.1.87, Options > Rain sensor, Use Rain sensor ticked and Normally Open ticked.
Shorted Grnd and Pin 8 (Rev1 Pi - GPIO 14) and home page shows Rain Delay and Rain Sensed and Stations show Suppressed by Rain Sensor - good.
Removed short between pins - stays the same...refreshed for >15 minutes, same. Logged out and back in, cleared browser cache, same...
Restarted SIP with Options > System Restart > Restart - same
Restarted RPi with Options > System Restart > Reboot - same
Manually toggled the Options > Rain sensor, Normally Open to unticked - that cleared the Rain Sensed to No Rain sensed, but the Stations still show Suppressed by Rain sensor.
Toggle it back again and Rain Sensed is back again
how/when is the rain sensor reset?
Is there a time delay?, if so how long and where is it configured? <-- I found this. Home Page > Rain Delay item, click it and it prompts "Enter hours to delay" with a default of zero. I'll try changing the zero to 1.
Cant find any reference to it.
Also had a devil of a time finding any reference to where a rain sensor would be connected. Eventually found one reference to pin 8 here http://nosack.com/sipforum/showthread.ph...ight=pin+8
Recommend that connection of rain sensor contact needs to be added to here https://github.com/Dan-in-CA/SIP/wiki/rain_sensor
Perhaps also mention connection on Options > Rain sensor tooltips.
Hi there, have a rain sensor issue...SIP ver 3.1.87, Options > Rain sensor, Use Rain sensor ticked and Normally Open ticked.
Shorted Grnd and Pin 8 (Rev1 Pi - GPIO 14) and home page shows Rain Delay and Rain Sensed and Stations show Suppressed by Rain Sensor - good.
Removed short between pins - stays the same...refreshed for >15 minutes, same. Logged out and back in, cleared browser cache, same...
Restarted SIP with Options > System Restart > Restart - same
Restarted RPi with Options > System Restart > Reboot - same
Manually toggled the Options > Rain sensor, Normally Open to unticked - that cleared the Rain Sensed to No Rain sensed, but the Stations still show Suppressed by Rain sensor.
Toggle it back again and Rain Sensed is back again

how/when is the rain sensor reset?
Is there a time delay?, if so how long and where is it configured? <-- I found this. Home Page > Rain Delay item, click it and it prompts "Enter hours to delay" with a default of zero. I'll try changing the zero to 1.
Cant find any reference to it.
Also had a devil of a time finding any reference to where a rain sensor would be connected. Eventually found one reference to pin 8 here http://nosack.com/sipforum/showthread.ph...ight=pin+8
Recommend that connection of rain sensor contact needs to be added to here https://github.com/Dan-in-CA/SIP/wiki/rain_sensor
Perhaps also mention connection on Options > Rain sensor tooltips.