2018 Nov 28, 06:35 PM
Hi Ben,
It has been a while.
I wanted to let you know about some progress I have made with the tank level plugin.
I have re-written the code for the ultrasonic distance sensor using the pigpio library.
The library is included with the latest full versions of Raspbian OS. If you are using the light version you can install it with:
and enable it to start at boot up with:
The new version of the ultrasonic code is much more accurate than the original and has fewer lines of code. The pigpio
library uses a C program running in the background and does timing in micro seconds.
Here is some output from the new code without averaging multiple measurements:
If you get a chance, try it out and let me know what you think:
I will be working on the plugin over the next few days. The rainy season has started here and I have time for coding.
It has been a while.
I wanted to let you know about some progress I have made with the tank level plugin.
I have re-written the code for the ultrasonic distance sensor using the pigpio library.
The library is included with the latest full versions of Raspbian OS. If you are using the light version you can install it with:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pigpio python-pigpio python3-pigpio
and enable it to start at boot up with:
sudo systemctl enable pigpiod
sudo reboot
The new version of the ultrasonic code is much more accurate than the original and has fewer lines of code. The pigpio
library uses a C program running in the background and does timing in micro seconds.
Here is some output from the new code without averaging multiple measurements:
If you get a chance, try it out and let me know what you think:
from __future__ import print_function, division
import pigpio
from time import sleep
pi = pigpio.pi()
# Define GPIO pins to use on Pi (BMC numbering)
pin_trigger = 23
pin_echo = 24
start = None
distance = None
# Speed of sound in cm/ms at temperature (changed from cm/s)
temperature = 24
sound_speed = 33.1 + (0.0006*temperature)
# Set pin modes and output level
pi.set_mode(pin_trigger, pigpio.OUTPUT)
pi.write(pin_trigger, 0)
pi.set_mode(pin_echo, pigpio.INPUT)
def calc(gpio, level, tick):
Callback function to handle distance calculation.
global start, distance
if level == 1: # Start of echo pulse
start = tick
if start and level == 0: # If start has a value and echo pulse ended
echo = pigpio.tickDiff(start, tick) # Length of echo pulse in microseconds
distance = round(((echo / 1000) * sound_speed)/2, 1)
start = None
def measure():
Send a pulse and time the echo.
pi.gpio_trigger(pin_trigger, 10, 1) # Send a 10 microsecond pulse on the trigger pin
cb = pi.callback(pin_echo, pigpio.EITHER_EDGE, calc) # catch the echo and pass timing to calc callback function
while True:
I will be working on the plugin over the next few days. The rainy season has started here and I have time for coding.