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Water hammer problem

I have a OSPi + SIP installation with 22 active Orbit valves feed by my house water supply trough a 3/4" backwater valve.  Some stations have large water flow.  When SIP programs switch from station to station I experience water hammer shock.  I found that having station operation switching with some overlap (say 5 seconds) it avoid this water hammer problem.

Is there a way to have station operation overlap (within and between programs) ?  Beside reprogramming all the SIP programs so that each of them have a single station with proper start time and duration.

BTW huge thank to DAN for this incredible application.  OSPi+SIP allowed me to upgrade from an inflexible and messy control setup containing 4 Orbit 4-6 zone timers.

In the future, I will add a master control valve and would like to add water pressure, water flow and even moisture sensors.  It will allow a better optimization of water usage and diagnostic of the valve / head / plumbing problems.  I have professional embedded system programming experience and could help implement these features.

Hi Embak,

On the Options page of the SIP UI you can change the operation mode from sequential (the default) to concurrent by un-checking the Sequential option under Station Handling. This will allow you to program more than one station to run at the same time so you can have overlap.

Your offer of programming help in the future is greatly appreciated. I look forward to you in;put.


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