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Master station not working
Hello everyone

i just completed setting up my irrigation system using PI-3 and this awesome software.
Thanks everyone for sharing this great project. 

i have one issue with setting up a master station.

when i don't use a defined master station i can operate the a certain station ( say S02)  by manually opening both the master valve and S02
so i assume my electrical setup is fine

when i define a master station and try to open S02 using run-once or even manual mode the master valve doesn't open
even the status view shows it as off ("MASTER OFF")

am i doing something wrong? 
should i disable manual mode while i define a master station ? 

Thanks a lot

found it.

i forgot to enable the master for each of my stations.
apparently the master valve is disabled by default for all stations

Maybe it's worth adding a note on the master configuration panel mentioning the per-station activation required.


Good point about documenting the need to configure each station to activate the master on the Stations page.

I will update the documentation on the wiki.


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