Only 8 Relays Working - Printable Version

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RE: Only 8 Relays Working - dan - 2019 Mar 23

I fixed the problem on the GitHub SIP plugins repository.
It needed an updated .gitattributes file in order to handle the image files properly.

Any new installs of the relay_16 plugin should have the image on the help screen.

Thanks for reporting this.

RE: Only 8 Relays Working - atkellyx - 2019 Apr 24

(2019 Mar 23, 02:40 PM)dan Wrote: I'll take a look at the files on GitHub.

For now I have attached the Relay_16-connect.png file here.

Click to view full size.

Let me know if this helps.


Hi Dan

Grabbed a new copy from git and image now loads correctly.  I had already found the relay_pins array in but couldn't get it working anyway, was getting weird debug outputs.

So I just started a whole new install and it seems OK so far, but I'm at work so I cannot see if relays are turning on or off.  But the debug output looks good (uncommented your testing lines from

I will test tonight and let you know how it goes.

Thanks for your help.
