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state of weather APIs
I am just trying out SIP and interested in weather integration. I see that weather_adj supports WUnderground and Yahoo.

From what I've read elsewhere, WUnderground is no longer available for free, unless you have an existing API key.

For Yahoo, one of the URLs mentioned in the source refers to a non-existent hostname now:

and the other one returns the message "<message>geo.placefinder table is no longer supported</message>" when I query it:<woeid>%22

Are there any working alternatives?

The weather plugins were contributed by users a few years back.

I had a hunch that free access would be cut off when the providers realized that people were using the free "developer" keys in production systems.

There has been some discussion of alternatives on GitHub:

So far no one has come up with a viable alternative that I know of.

Not sure if this is useful but for all my astronomy forecast I use
For my location it is very accurate.
There is a free api e.g. for my location:
I have no idea if and how this could be integrated.

Thanks for the replies. I’ve found a couple of Australian-specific sources that look promising so I’ll see what I can cook up with those for my own use. Our official government weather agency has free data in a mix of json and XML, and a commercial provider called WillyWeather has cheap api access if you only want a single location (a few cents per thousand requests).

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